Can You Take Alprazolam Again if You Have Used It in the Past

Avatar f tn I went to a hurting management dispensary for over xv years but I cannot find a new dispensary that will accept me because I have Xanax AND I CANNOT Come OFF THEM I have tried several times. My psychiatrist has even written a letter of the alphabet to some clinics stating I cannot come off of the Xanax merely they still refuse to take me and want to put me on Suboxone and I do not know what to practice. I CANNOT TAKE THE Hurting ANYMORE.

Avatar n tn Hi and sorry you lot got the run around. You can carry C. difficile and if you lot don't accept symptoms and since y'all don't take the toxin B then you don't need handling. So, if you don't have symptoms you don't need the antibiotic. If yous want to finish the form of metronidazole for the parasite y'all can even though they didn't observe 1. Sometimes information technology takes several specimens to notice one. Practice you have diarrhea? If so, how often practice you have diarrhea per day? Or are you over it?

Avatar f tn The doc at that place gave me scripts for Bactrim AND Cipro- for two weeks. They had me take some while in that location and when I got home I read about Bactrim (I already know the dangers of Cipro) Long story short, amongst the many problems and side effects associated with Bactrim, it says to let your doctor know if you have thyroid issues....also that it tin cause permanent tinnitus. I was reading this AFTER I noticed that my ears were ringing louder after taking information technology.

1373852 tn?1307843048 I would like to know if drugs such as levaquin and cipro and the medicines they apply to keep a person in a medical coma tin can cause fibromyalgia or symptoms like information technology that persist in one case the person is recovered from the original affliction.I had a bad asthma attack 9 months ago,was put in a medical coma for respiratory failure because of information technology.I take had every test or almost.cbc,autoimmune,hiv,hep c,b,a.I take had emg,eeg,nervus conduction,brain mri,cervical spine.

Avatar m tn I voiced my business to my family unit doctor and he seems to back the drug. I took one pill and feel some slight side furnishings so far, but aught extremely serious.

Avatar m tn I am taking cipro for possible infection. I tin't sleep at night. am I able to take an slumber-aid to help with residue and sleep?

Avatar n tn I was and so given Xanax to endeavor and what a error for me! I had 1mg and it was an awful reaction for me. It didn't calm me like my Ativan e'er had, it made me in a bad fog and horrible feeling of more anxiety and low. I coikdnt expect for it to habiliment off and was worried I'd take to get to the ER the feeling was then bad. I couldn't want to go back to my Ativan.

Avatar f tn five which I take i at nighttime) which helps me get about 3 to 4 hours of slumber. I tried not to accept the Xanax because I detest meds and scared of addiction but the flip side is no sleep at all. I had to brand a choice. I would love to hear of any other solutions to helping with the feet side affect and sleep. Anything aid anyone?

1312705 tn?1273762803 It is fine to masterbate only if you nonetheless have discharge then the infection is probably not clear. Did y'all get a Dr to give you cipro or did you simply take it yourself and cocky diagnosis?

Avatar f tn Information technology took me eighteen months to wean safely, and I still had wds. Please take care of him, this is very hard to go thru. Most Drs don't recognize wds from xanax. They don't want to admit the crap they prescribe can be so harmful. I don't know the age of your son, but more than than annihilation he needs support. I volition keep ya'll in my prayers.

Avatar f tn The reason that the other poster could have been cured by cipro is that she may take had a Mycoplasma and it may take been sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Only the standard treatment for bv is either metronidazole or Clindamycin. So you can endeavor the cipro and run into if it clears up merely if information technology doesn't then if can have clindamycin I would so take probiotics later. Cipro can treat a lot of UTI'south but not all. It depends on the leaner that is causing the infection and how resistant information technology is.

Avatar n tn hello again, I had went to my GP and got a swab civilisation for gon/chla. I should get the results on monday. My doctor seemed concerned and prescribed to me cipro 500mg and told me to take it promptly. My pharmacist thought it was unorthodox that my GP had only prescribed i pill. I contacted my GP to ostend that was her intention, and she stated that I ony needed one pill due to it existence a possible G/C infection. Does this sound right to you?

Avatar f tn 25 mg iii times a mean solar day equally needed i accept had it for nearly a month and scared to accept it when i get meds from my medico i always read the side furnishings and they scare me thats why i dont take them

Avatar n tn Can I notwithstanding have a seizure or a stroke even subsequently 26 days off of xanax I was merely on .

Avatar n tn is information technology condom to take 125 mg of cipro each solar day for 6 months I was prescribed this for a UTI that keeps coming back. Also the pharmacy that filled the prescription gave me 250mg tablets and told me they aren't made in 125mg. and for me to pause in half . Merely the info that comes with the meds says non to interruption.crush, or chew.

Avatar m tn I had to take twenty days of Cipro for prostate infection. The e coli count was > 100,000. It took 4 or v day to have the temperature downward and so it was a matter of getting through the 20 days. Right later on I got off of Cipro (~2days) I was feeling constipated, A week after (yesterday) I realized my spleen was swollen (first fourth dimension always). Wife is a nurse and new where information technology was located.

Avatar f tn I accept read about overgrowth and did have cipro 500 mg daily for 5 days and came out of being so weak I could hardly walk episode!..the dr said just endeavour and information technology helped..give thanks you! I know taking antibiotics when no fever or culture sounds questionable but it did aid a few months ago.....I am in pain a lot but when I am really weak..I wonder if something else is going on..

Avatar m tn The past weekend I went through several panic attacks and I had to take some doses of Xanax to go it normalized (0.25mg). Monday I went to my general exercise and I was feeling airheaded, with blurred vision. He ordered a whole lot of blood work, including liver console, thyroid and HIV. I started freaking out and since and so I've been feeling depressed, fatigued and nautious as well.

Avatar f tn And then pharmacy said I could on both just the ciprofloxacin I choose to take hole the other i I did trounce it was hard to swollen

Avatar m tn I have taken cipro a lot too and it hasn't bothered me before. Only I recently took it and after 1 dose my heart started acting weird. Any antibiotic of that form tin can cause center palpitations. Unfortunately, near of the antibiotics I can take have that potential side effect, I'm allergic to penicillin.

Avatar n tn Do cipro cause vaginal discharge and oder and disconfort in my stomach and dorsum and sluggishness? This word is related to Discomfort after taking Cipro.

Avatar f tn Hi, I have problems with UTI and kidney infections on a regular basis. I have been on Cipro on and off since 1994. Cipro has allways worked very well for me. I have not experienced side effects from this drug. I take had other antibiotics prescribed to me that did take some negative side effects. In my case Sulfa drugs causes hives. From 1994 up to 2003, I used to come down with UTI and kidney infections that required hospitalizations with a frequency of about every 3 to 4 months.

11387537 tn?1417770215 what should i practise ? should i have xanax ? if i exercise will it cause any damage if i am already feeling drowsy and sleepy ?

Avatar f tn If I exert myself (wash a load of dishes) I become astringent labored breathing that goes abroad if I lay downwards and relax for about an hour. I can merely eat small meals. I have trouble chewing and swallowing. I have started getting very creative with smoothies. I put everything in a blender. I have torso aches (minor-moderate)... and then I take tylenol every iv-five hours all day long. I get small brain fog... I know when I accept it at piece of work....

Avatar f tn I was on xanax and went to the ER the other day for a bad panic attack and they switched me to Klonopin. I just started taking zoloft and take major feet from it. I don't experience like the klonopin is working and want to go dorsum to the xanax which is what my DR prescribed. Exercise I have to await any about of time earlier going dorsum to the xanax from the klonopin? I took my last dose at 530 this evening. I only heard that klonopin stays in your arrangement longer and don't want the two to interact.

Avatar m tn merely after the injection(around 6pm) i could not take the Azithromycine neither the cipro and doxy. Tin i take the azithromycine 13 hours after the ceftriaxone injection?

Avatar f tn I have suffered from anxiety on and off for several years now. My doctor finally gave me some xanax when my panic attacks got really bad but I havent had to accept whatsoever. That was earlier this year. This summer was quite hectic what with my sister'due south hymeneals and another family wedding, tons of altogether parties and family events. My feet was pretty much not existent until this past couple of weeks when I again started to non feel correct physically.


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